

Commenced Financial Support Activities for Singapore Children's Society

We would like to express our sincere gratitude for your continued support.

From 2019, we commenced the provision of financial support for the activities of the Singapore Children's Society, which promotes the development of economically disadvantaged youth across all religions and races.

Founded in 1952, the Singapore Children's Society protects and nurtures children and adolescents of all races and religions. In 2017 the Society reached out to 65,536 children, adolescents, and families in need.

Currently, Singapore Children's Society operates 12 service centers in Singapore, which are divided into 4 categories: vulnerable children and adolescents, children and adolescent services, family services and research and nursing. The funds will be channeled through 1000 companies to the 12 service centers for children in need and 79 programs.

Singapore Children's Society

About the Organization

Name: Singapore Children's Society
Address: 298 Tiong Bahru Road, #09-05 Central Plaza, Singapore 168730
Tel: +65 6273 20104